5 Ways to stay in the game!


This past Saturday April 25th was supposed to be the Amazons 1st spring match. Unfortunately, like many sporting events everywhere, we are unable to hold spring competition. So how can we keep our heads in the rugby game when we’re stuck at home away from our team?

Here are a few ways to get your rugby inspiration flowing:

  1. Watch Film - It may seem strange to get better at a sport by sitting on the couch, but researchers found that motor skill can improve simply after watching someone else perform the same action. So now is the time to watch all the game footage you told your coach you watched. 

  2. Learn the rules - Still not sure what the heck  to do during a drop 22? Now is the time to learn. We know the rule book is a bit dry, but now is the time to get confident about the rules you’re not so sure about.

  3. Solo  passing drills - Playing catch with the wall at home is a way many top ruggers use to improve their hand eye coordination. Find your weak passing areas and get creative ways to improve. Need work on distance? Focus on power. Need help with precision? Tape a target to the wall and focus on accuracy. Now is a great time to get reps! 

  4. Stay connected with Virtual Trivia - We love our teammates like family, but when the season ends it can be hard to stay connected. A great way to connect is a Trivia game about each other! Everyone submits a few facts about themselves to your team captain and the captain uses them to make trivia questions and plays game show host for the happy hour.. It’s a great way to learn more about your team and stay connected.

  5. Use what You’ve got - It is stressful times right now for everyone so maybe this isn’t the year you go from prop to wing. However, it is important to keep moving! You may look silly, but who cares you’re home alone and probably haven’t showered in a few days. Household items can work just as well as weights.

Whatever your spring rugby goals are, they can still happen just be creative! 


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